Published Pieces

I appreciate the opportunity to write and speak about creative coding with kids, WordPress, and freelancing. Original posts, as well as links to my guest posts on other blogs, are below.

Day in My Life as a Learning Resource Designer

I thought it might be fun to share a short “day in my life as a Scratch Learning Resource Designer” and a small tour of my personal office space, as I work remotely from home. I’d shared something similar while a student with Skillcrush years ago. (You may also want to checkout my post “Growing…

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Tinkering at the Logo Summer Institute

I had a really great experience at the Logo Summer Institute this week! Thank you to the organizers and wonderful presenters. I attended the virtual week and am thankful sessions running concurrently were recorded so I can spend time in the coming weeks catching up on lessons I missed while live in others. There were…

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Anti-bias Resources Graphic

Sharing My Growing Anti-Bias Resource List

Note: This post was last updated December 10, 2021, so some links below may be changed or no longer working. Thank you to those who have written in with suggestions of articles to add to this post, book recommendations, etc. So many amazing resources have been created since that time (including a lot of thoughtful…

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Interview with Women Who Code MTY

My Interview with Women Who Code Monterrey

Excited to share the episode I recorded in November with Women Who Code MTY and Pam Rodriguez is now out! “Maren tells us about how she introduced herself to the technology industry and how she is now a constant activist to help everyone access the area regardless of level, gender, age or race.” You can…

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Examples of Digital Citizenship Resources

Digital Citizenship, Online Privacy, and Fact Checking

Digital Citizenship and Online Privacy As I teach students to code, one thing I stress is good digital citizenship and online privacy. For instance, as I teach elementary students about using Scratch, I point out that having a Scratch account* enables them to save and share their own projects, create studios, and leave comments on…

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